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As an Engineering Leader, 1:1 meetings are a crucial part of my workweek schedule.

These are not status report checking—I generally know what everyone is up to. Hence, the main goal of these 1:1s is to establish and strengthen trust.


In my commitment to uphold trust, I ensure these discussions are **always private—**I make this point clear from the start. If I ever need to share something from these talks with others, I will seek approval first.

As for schedules, these chats typically last **30 minutes every 2 weeks—**this helps to keep our conversations focused and efficient. Nevertheless, I adjust the duration and frequency based on the unique requirements of each team member. Therefore, there might be instances when these 1:1s extend to 1 hour every week.

Preparing for the 1:1

Effective 1:1s require thorough preparation and dedicated engagement from both participants. To facilitate this, I use a shared Notion template (see below). This document is sent across at least ½ a day before the meeting. Once shared, I make it a point not to cancel or reschedule the 1:1.

Drawing from experience, I've found that these preparatory notes are best filled in as the week unfolds. For instance, if I have some feedback to share, I will note this in the dedicated Notion section, refining it progressively as more elements come to mind. By the time I share the final document with the report, the notes are clear. This enables thorough review and self-reflection, eventually leading to more effective discussions.

Conducting the 1:1

During 1:1 meetings, I adopt a coaching posture, guiding the conversation toward constructive and fruitful outcomes. I also take note of the important points discussed.