Each year, I make it a priority to establish personal and professional goals. Sometimes, these objectives overlap, while others they may diverge entirely.

Once I have these goals in place, I set aside time to pursue both. By planning this way, my personal growth and career development go hand in hand, mutually reinforcing each other.

2024 Goals

<aside> <img src="/icons/drafts_gray.svg" alt="/icons/drafts_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Please be aware that these objectives are private, so you may see 0% in each category below.


Goal Areas

10-year horizon - three dreams for the future

Dream 1: Becoming a certified coach

In the next decade, I aspire to become a certified leadership coach. This vision isn't just about conveying technical knowledge; it's about helping the next future of leader rise. I deeply believe that the engineering world is filled with talent. But to truly stand out, a guiding figure who pushes and helps carve unique paths is key.

Dream 2: Breaking into the C-Suite

Fast-forward ten years from now, I envision having accumulated ample experience working closely with C-suite executives in multiple roles. Drawing on these experiences and the significant knowledge gained from them, I aim to step into the shoes of a CTO or VP of Engineering myself.